August 22, 2008

Holocausto - Campo De Exterminio (Cogumelo, 1987)...

Simply put... growling death metal vocals, fast drumming, reinforced thrashy riffs and lots of Death/Thrash ownage played at a chaotic and absurdly fast pace. Hitler himself couldn’t have been eviler than this. We have songs like “Guerrilheiro Suicida” and “Forças Terroristas” which are the epitome of Brazilian death/thrash or the title track “Campo De Exterminio” which moves at an insanely fast pace but it features a nice slowdown part and then returns to rip your head off. An honorable mention goes for the song “III Reich” which features a mandatory riff that commands you to choke a toddler and drink most of his blood and then paint a svastika on the wall with the rest of it. Some of the songs just go on and on fast-as-fuck and others feature speedy passages but frequently break into nice half-time midsections, to then refrain into the hammering speedy verses again. w-h-o-a.



  1. One of my favorite Cogumelo records

  2. As always, one of the best blogs out there. Sorry about the DivShare problems, but you gotta repost this. This represents your blog well, strengthens it by providing something old to measure up the something new.

  3. I like the way his teeth sick out of his 'clava.
