May 30, 2010


Directions In Music (Thrill Jockey, 1996)

Classic 'Post-Rock' from Bundy K. Brown (Tortoise/Gastr Del Sol), Doug Scharin (June Of 44) and James Warden


  1. Nice! Do you have any of the Pullman recordings?

  2. i have Turnstyles And Junkpiles if you want it?

  3. Hey!

    This is Dominic from Gigante Sound. We recently released, Motown Meltdown: Volume 2, a free viral download record of bizarre re-workings of well known Motown hits all sourced from the original multi-track and karaoke recordings. These are not 'remixes' over a breakbeat but complete re-imaginings of Motown classics. As one reviewer wrote of the first volume, "I think they took the Motorcity sound to "Git Mo" to torture it before they murdered it...I have sampled in the past and may again in the future,but I never inhaled...whatever these guys did. " WFMU were big supporters of the first record as were many college radio stations around the US and as far afield as Portugal!

    We are now promoting Motown Meltdown: Volume 2 and wondering if it caught your interest, if you wanted to put it up on your blog. This roots approach is really the only way we have to publicize the record so we are approaching various blog sites who's taste we feel is similar to our own and see if people are interested in writing about it. You can find it here:

    Again, it is a free download so feel open to do whatever you want with it! Thanks for your time

    Dominic Cramp
    Gigante Sound

  4. nice, perfect time of year here in chicago to bring this back out...
