September 18, 2009


Gjennom Mørke Skogen (Fossbrenna, 2004)


Fossbrenna Creations


  1. more of the same?

    had a look at that nsbm site...pretty funny stuff coming from a bunch of pasty faced goths who probably still live with their parents...and haven't they considered the fact that if their nationalist socialist utopia was implemented overnight they'd be straight in the death camps with all the other 'undesirables'

    i dunno's all well and good looking for a family outside your own when you're a disaffected youth but i don't think any of these people were ever raised in deep deep social deprivation...and from the looks of the 'scene' a lot of the bands come from countries that don't even have large ethnic populations...i mean sweden? norway? their societies are so closed that they're pretty much ethnically 'pure' anyway...and don't get me started on the resurgence of national socialism in the former eastern bloc...set of cunts like

    and i bet none have them have got any tunes like skrewdriver did

  2. What does this have to do with Istorn?

  3. I've no idea what anonymous' comments have either: it is always essential to separate an artist's personality from their music ... thanks for this!

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